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IHV Annual Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Lecture

Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum

Marlene & Stewart Greenebaum

Since 2004, the late Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum sponsored an annual lecture series hosted by the Institute of Human Virology (IHV) at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. Although they have passed, the IHV continues the lecture in their honor.

Each year, IHV's faculty invite leaders in the field of human disease to present this prestigious lecture before IHV and campus leaders, students, faculty and staff.

Speakers include persons who have made substantial scientific contributions and focus on bettering the human condition.

Lecture Archive

Select a year/lecturer for more information:

2022 - Steven A. Rosenberg, MD, PhD

2019 - Isaac Witz, PhD

2018 - Anthony S. Fauci, MD

2017 - John C. Martin, PhD

2016 - Paul A. Volberding, MD

2015 - King K. Holmes

2013 - David Quammen

2012 - Diane E. Griffin, MD, PhD

2011 - Reinhard Kurth, MD

2010 - Bernadine Healy, MD

2009 - Max Essex, DVM, PhD

2008 - William A. Haseltine, PhD

2007 - Sir Gustav Nossal

2006 - J. Donald Capra, MD

2005 - Andrew von Eschenbach

2004 - Richard D. Klausner, MD
