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Monday, December 12, 2016

Two Prominent Institute of Human Virology Researchers Honored With Robert C. Gallo, MD Endowed Professorships in Translational Medicine

An investiture ceremony was held recently to name Robert Redfield, Jr., MD, and George Lewis, PhD as the Robert C. Gallo, MD Endowed Professors in Translational Medicine.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

IHV Awarded $138M to combat HIV/AIDS in Africa & Launches Center for International Health, Education, & Biosecurity

The Institute of Human Virology (IHV) at the University of Maryland School of Medicine announced today more than $138 million in multiple five-year grants awarded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to combat HIV/AIDS in Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, and Nigeria. The Institute concurrently announced the formation of the IHV Center for International Health, Education, & Biosecurity (CIHEB), and its newly appointed director, Deus Bazira Mubangizi, DrPH, MBA, MPH, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Director, Center for Health, Education, & Biosecurity, Institute of Human Virology, University of Maryland School of Medicine.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

"A Call to End HIV/AIDS in America" IHV Director Dr. Robert Gallo's Op-Ed in the Huffington Post

As the new Administration is presented with great challenges facing the United States, one will be a longtime foe, the U.S. HIV/AIDS epidemic. Since President Barack Obama was elected in 2008, I have publicly called on our country’s leaders to utilize the largest global health initiative in history - the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) - as a model to address the U.S. epidemic.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Prominent Virus Researchers Descend Upon Baltimore to Participate in the IHV’s 18th Annual International Meeting

The Institute of Human Virology (IHV) at the University of Maryland School of Medicine commenced IHV’s 18th Annual International Meeting on Monday September 19 at the Four Seasons Hotel in Baltimore, Maryland. IHV’s Annual International Meeting attracts hundreds of elite scientists who descend upon Baltimore to share ideas and inspire collaborations.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Institute of Human Virology (IHV) Awarded $14.4M for HIV Vaccine Research

The Institute of Human Virology (IHV) announced a $14.4M grant from NIAID to advance HIV vaccine research to solve a major challenge: produce long-lasting antibodies to protect against HIV infection.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

IHV Releases Data Supporting Community-Based Treatment Providers in Fight Against Hepatitis C

The Institute of Human Virology (IHV) at the University of Maryland School of Medicine released data today at The International Liver Congress 2016 in Barcelona, Spain demonstrating that treatment for hepatitis C virus (HCV) can be provided safely and effectively within a community-based and non-specialist setting.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

UM SOM Establishes Two Endowed Professorships Through Private Gifts and Matching State Funds

University of Maryland School of Medicine (UM SOM) Dean E. Albert Reece, MD, PhD, MBA, announced today that the School has been awarded matching funds from the Maryland Department of Business and Economic Development (DBED) as part of the Maryland E-Nnovation Initiative Fund program. The funds, when combined with private philanthropy, will enable UM SOM to establish two new endowed professorships – one in human virology and vaccine development, the other in surgical science and entrepreneurship.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

The Baltimore Sun: Baltimore Consortium Forms Global Task Force to Study Zika, Find Vaccine

A Baltimore-based research consortium is forming a task force of leading scientists from around the world, including renowned AIDS researcher Dr. Robert Gallo, to better understand the Zika virus and quickly develop a vaccine.

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