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Expert HIV Care

THRIVE logoHands holding red ribbons for HIV
The THRIVE program is the IHV's primary care and specialty practice for people living with HIV/AIDS.

The mission of THRIVE is to deliver high quality comprehensive health care that inspires individuals to thrive. This mission is realized by meeting patients’ medical, emotional, and social needs through comprehensive, patient-centered, compassionate, team-based care that incorporates a wide range of integrated services; to elevate health, and well-being of diverse people and communities. THRIVE collaborates with academic, governmental, community, and research partners that further its mission and values.

The THRIVE program aims to adapt to the ever-changing needs of people at risk for, living with, and aging with HIV.

THRIVE’s clinical and research focuses currently include:

  • Doctor making a heart with her handsPrimary care and expert HIV care for people living with HIV
  • Preventing HIV in individuals at elevated risk for infection
  • Incorporating geriatric principles into the care of older adults aging with HIV
  • Addressing elevated heart and vascular disease risk in people living with HIV
  • Transitioning young adults living with HIV from pediatric to adult HIV care
  • Gender-affirming care of sexual and gender minorities
  • Maintaining a care continuum in people living with HIV and achieving viral suppression
  • Evaluating the intersection of HIV and SARS-CoV2 infections

THRIVE offers care at the University of Maryland Medical Center Midtown Campus and Waterloo Crossing. Establishing standards of care and education with a team of professionals such as physicians, nurses, social workers, dieticians, psychologists, and pharmacists.

The IHV leads the UM Center for Infectious Diseases comprised of IHV faculty, who partner with programs such as THRIVE and the JACQUES Initiative -- an outreach program that changes lives, engages communities, and supports health systems affected by HIV and hepatitis C.

Find out more about the Center for Infectious Diseases and the Jacques Initiative.

Core IHV Faculty and Staff at THRIVE

Collaborating THRIVE Providers
